Color code application applicable for iPhone5
This application enables mutual conversion among hex number, RGB, RGB of iOS and CMYK.
Additionally it’s also possible to read a color code from image files.
Background color will change in accordance with a color code you input with keyboards.
Special color code for iOS such as 0.0-1.0 is also available.
Color picker enables to read a color code from an image file which was photographed.
This function applies to existing pictures stored in the camera roll.
Size of color picker can be selected among 1~25px.
Color code will be leveling if color picker is a big size.
It’s possible to zoom in a processing picture at color picker phase.
Color code area can move with up-down swipe.
I can save up to 100 the history of the color code read.
I was equipped with a slider function that can be changed intuitively RGB.
You can smoothly changes to the approximate color by operating the slider.
(iPhone5 later)